Coronavirus insurance - who insures abroad?


Author: Irina

Difficult times require overwhelming health care.
How to secure yourself as much as possible abroad?
Which insurance companies do not exactly “wash their hands” before the prospect of paying for the treatment of a tourist from coronavirus (covid-19)?

Insurance covering coronavirus

These insurance companies COVER the infection and treatment of coronavirus IN ANY COUNTRY, regardless of whether an epidemic is declared, an emergency mode, etc .:

links lead to sites where you can buy these insurances online

  • Tinkoff
  • Alpha insurance
  • RESO
  • ERV
  • Agreement
  • Renaissance
  • Zetta
  • Ingosstrakh (but be sure to check the box "Help as a result of natural disasters", click on "More" in the Ingosstrakh policy on the general issue page)

The following insurance does NOT cover cases of coronavirus disease, if the country where the tourist is traveling is NOT officially RECOMMENDED TO VISIT by Rospotrebnadzor, Rosturizm and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

at the moment these countries are China, Italy, South Korea, Iran, France, Spain, Germany

  • Absolute Insurance
  • VTB
  • Sberbank
  • Arsenal
  • Russian standard
  • Liberty
  • VSK
  • Energogarant
  • Allianz

Addition. With all other insured events - injuries, acute respiratory viral infections, dentistry, etc. - travel insurance works as usual. Pandemic, epidemic do not affect this.

Travel cancellation insurance in case of coronavirus

Difficult topic. In general, any insurance against cancellation is canceled by the official announcement of a pandemic - this is considered force majeure, and the insurance company has the right to refuse payments to the client.

That is, if you curtail your trip because you are afraid of the coronavirus, the company will not meet halfway. BUT: if you are sick / hospitalized in Russia - before leaving - then the cancellation is compensated. It is necessary to provide certificates and documents from a doctor.

It is known for sure that Tinkoff insurance refunds the cost of air tickets if the flight in Russia was canceled due to quarantine in a foreign country. Of course, the policy must be purchased BEFORE the flight is canceled.

Addition. Trip cancellation insurance is an add-on to basic insurance. On Cherehapa and, you need to put a tick in the appropriate box when registering a policy.

Travel insurance against coronavirus

Insurance against coronavirus for travelers is easier to obtain, but what about those who are ALREADY on a trip and cannot return soon?

  • Does insurance cover the coronavirus if it was purchased before WHO announced a pandemic (March 11, 2020)?
    Yes, if your policy is from companies from the first list.
  • I am healthy, I have insurance, but I am stuck in country N due to quarantine - is this considered an insured event?
    No, the coverage does not apply to quarantine not on their own (and even more so on their own).
    Exception: policy from Tinkoff Insurance - it is the only one to compensate for the cancellation of the flight from abroad to Russia in the case of the introduction of quarantine.
  • How to buy coronavirus insurance if I am abroad now and without insurance?
    Not all companies issue policies for those traveling. Check the box “Already traveling” on Cherehapa and and search for insurance policies from the first list.
