How to get from Vienna to Salzburg - all the ways


We will tell you about all the ways to get from Vienna to Salzburg on your own. Which transport is faster? Schedules and prices for tickets in 2020. Where to buy tickets and how to save money.

How to get from Vienna to Salzburg by train

The capital of the country and the city where Mozart was born are the most visited places in Austria. By rail between two Austrian cities 326 km. An easy and inexpensive way to get from Vienna to Salzburg on your own is by high-speed train.

What trains run between Vienna and Salzburg... The railway is operated by a state-owned company Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) and private company Westbahn... You can take the train, which reaches speeds of up to 300 km / h, or take the slower local train. The fastest trains will take you to your destination in less than 2.5 hours.

schedule... There are many Vienna - Salzburg trains, they run once an hour and more often. Check the current schedule on the Omio service. Trains depart from Vienna airport Schwechat (VIE), Vienna train stations Westbahnhof and Wien hbf... In Salzburg, they arrive at the main railway station. Salzburg Hbf.

Where can I buy a ticket... Tourists can buy train tickets from Vienna to Salzburg at ticket offices and machines at the train station or from the controller at the time of boarding. Keep in mind that the prices before departure are quite high - 25-52 €. Those who take tickets in advance win. If you buy a ticket for the second class carriage on the ÖBB train 72 hours before departure, it will cost 19 €.

It is more convenient to buy online on the Russian-language Omio service. Also double-check the prices on the official ÖBB and Westbahn websites, but there is no Russian language there. Recently, tickets for trains from Vienna to Salzburg are also sold by the Flixbus.

After payment, you will receive a ticket to the mail in the form of a PDF file. To show it to the controller, the ticket must be printed out in advance. You can do this in ÖBB vending machines using the code you received via SMS. You can't do without a printed ticket! For a pass without a ticket, you will have to pay a fine of 70 €, and through the bank - 100 €.

How to save... Take tickets 1-2 months before the trip. Lowest train prices Westhbahn... There is an interesting offer for tourists who travel with a group of 2 to 5 people. For 34 € ÖBB sells Einfach-Raus-Ticket - a travel card that is valid for a limited time: from 9:00 to 3:00 the next day.

How to get by bus from Vienna to Salzburg

There are no direct buses between cities. If you want to get from Vienna to Salzburg on your own, you will have to go with transfers in Munich, Bratislava or Prague. Modern air-conditioned buses with soft adjustable seats, Wi-Fi and toilets run along the route.

schedule... Flixbus buses leave Vienna's Station Erdberg at 7:15, 10:15, 12:20: 13:50, 14:30, 17:10 and 00:05 and arrive in Salzburg at the station Hbf Bahnsteig... You will spend 5 to 9 hours on the way.

Where can I buy a ticket... We advise you to take tickets online at the Omio service. Also double-check the prices on the Flixbus website - if it is cheaper there. The journey costs from 28 €.

How to save... Buy your tickets online in advance and they will be cheaper.

Excursions from Vienna to Salzburg

An excellent solution is to go on a trip with an excursion group. Travel companies offer bus excursions from Vienna to Salzburg in Russian, which are designed for 12-12.5 hours.

During the trip, the guide will tell you about all the sights that are visible outside the bus window and lead a sightseeing walking tour of Salzburg. Group excursion "Salzburg and the Salzkammergut Lake District" costs 109 € for an adult and 90 € for a child under 12 years old.

BlaBlaCar ride

If you can't afford a taxi, but you want to travel in comfort, find fellow travelers and share the cost of travel with them. This is not difficult to do on the BlaBlaCar website. The search will not take long! Enter the city of departure, place of arrival, the desired date and time, and you will see offers from drivers who are ready to take passengers. We found very cheap travel options for only 12 € per person.

Vienna to Salzburg by car

The distance between Vienna and Salzburg by road is 298 km. The journey by car will take 4-5 hours. Renting an economy class car from Vienna with a return in Salzburg costs from 25 € per day, and with a return in Vienna itself - from 19 € per day. On a one-way road, you will spend about 24 liters of gasoline - 45 €. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

How to save... Plan a trip around Austria and take a car for a few days. Car rental for a week starts from 78 €.

What is the best way to get from Vienna to Salzburg

The fastest way to get from the capital of Austria to Salzburg is by plane. You will spend only 50 minutes in the air. Cons of the flight: high price - from 115 € and a waste of time on the way to the airport, pre-flight waiting and baggage claim.

A cheap, but not very convenient option to get from Vienna to Salzburg on your own is a bus. The road is too long. There are no direct flights to this direction, and the transfer can take from 1 to 3 hours.

For tourists who like to travel to new places with a guide, a bus excursion from Vienna to Salzburg is suitable. You don't need to think about public transport timetables and buy tickets. The disadvantage of any excursion is a strict time schedule. The acquaintance with Salzburg will be superficial and short-lived.

If you love driving but don't want to spend a lot of money on taxis, look for fellow travelers. Traveling with a company will appeal to everyone who loves to communicate.

Renting a car from Vienna to Salzburg is suitable for a trip with a family or a group of friends. Austria has flawless roads. Plan your own itinerary through the beautiful Austrian cities!

The most profitable way to travel from Vienna to Salzburg is by high-speed trains. You will reach the destination in 2.5 hours and do not spend too much on a ticket.
